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2-1B (Two-Onebee)
A-Wing Pilot
Admiral Ackbar
Anakin Skywalker
AST-5 (Armored Sentinel Transport)
AT-AT Commander
AT-AT Driver
AT-ST Driver
B-Wing Fighter
B-Wing Pilot
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
Bespin Security Guard (Black)
Bespin Security Guard (White)
Bib Fortuna
Biker Scout
Biker Scout - Long Mouth Biker Scout
Biker Scout - Short Mouth Biker Scout
Blue Snaggletooth
Boba Fett
Boba Fett - Hong Kong Boba Fett
Boba Fett - Taiwan Boba Fett
Boba Fett - Blue Painted Helmet Boba Fett
Boba Fett - Tri-Logo (PBP) Boba Fett
Boba Fett - No COO Boba Fett
Bossk (Bounty Hunter)
C-3PO (See-Threepio)
C-3PO (See-Threepio) with removable limbs
Cantina Adventure Set (Sears exclusive)
CAP-2 (Captivator)
Chief Chirpa
Cloud Car Pilot
Cloud City Playset
Creature Cantina
Dagobah Action Playset
Darth Vader
Darth Vader TIE Fighter
Darth Vader's Star Destroyer
Death Star Droid
Death Star Playset (Palitoy)
Death Star Space Station (Kenner)
Desert Sail Skiff
Droid Factory
Droopy McCool
Emperor's Royal Guard
Endor Forest Ranger
Ewok Assault Catapult
Ewok Battle Wagon
Ewok Combat Glider
Ewok Village
Gamorrean Guard
General Madine
Han Solo
Han Solo - Big Head Han Solo
Han Solo - Small Head Han Solo
Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)
Han Solo (Hoth Battle Gear)
Han Solo (Hoth Battle Gear) - Hoth Han Painted Legs
Han Solo (Hoth Battle Gear) - Hoth Han Molded Legs
Han Solo (In Carbonite Chamber)
Han Solo (In Trench Coat)
Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set
Imperial Attack Base
Imperial Commander
Imperial Cruiser
Imperial Dignitary
Imperial Gunner
Imperial Shuttle
Imperial Sniper
Imperial Stormtrooper
Imperial Stormtrooper (Hoth Battle Gear)
Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot
Imperial Troop Transporter (with sound)
INT-4 (Interceptor)
ISP-6 (Imperial Shuttle Pod)
Jabba the Hutt Action Playset
Jawa - Standard Jawa
Jawa - Vinyl Cape Jawa
Jawa - Lili Ledy Jawa
Klaatu (In Skiff Guard Outfit)
Land of the Jawas
Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian (General Pilot)
Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise)
Logray (Ewok Medicine Man)
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker - Standard Blond Farmboy Luke
Luke Skywalker - Brown Hair Farmboy Luke
Luke Skywalker - Double-Telescoping Lightsaber Luke
Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues)
Luke Skywalker (Hoth Battle Gear)
Luke Skywalker (Imperial Stormtrooper Outfit)
Luke Skywalker (In Battle Poncho)
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit)
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit) - Standard Jedi Luke
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit) - Blue Lightsaber Jedi Luke
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit) - Molded Face Jedi Luke
Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Fighter Pilot)
Max Rebo
Millennium Falcon
MLC-3 (Mobile Laser Cannon)
MTV-7 (Multi-Terrain Vehicle)
Nien Nunb
One-Man Sand Skimmer
Patrol Dewback
PDT-8 (Personnel Deployment Transport)
Power Droid
Princess Leia Organa
Princess Leia Organa (Bespin Gown)
Princess Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise)
Princess Leia Organa (Hoth Outfit)
Princess Leia Organa (In Combat Poncho)
Prune Face
R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo)
R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo) (with Sensorscope)
R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo) with pop-up Lightsaber
R2-D2 (Droid Factory)
R5-D4 (Arfive-Defour)
R5-D4 (Arfive-Defour) - Standard R5-D4
R5-D4 (Arfive-Defour) - Red Bar R5-D4
Radar Laser Cannon
Radio Controlled Jawa Sandcrawler
Rancor Keeper
Rancor Monster
Rebel Armored Snowspeeder
Rebel Command Center
Rebel Commander
Rebel Commando
Rebel Soldier
Rebel Transport
Scout Walker (AT-ST)
Security Scout
Slave 1 (Boba Fett's Spaceship)
Sonic Controlled Landspeeder
Speeder Bike
Squid Head
Star Destoyer Commander
Sy Snootles
Sy Snootles & The Rebo Band
Tatooine Skiff
Tauntaun (closed belly)
Tauntaun (open belly)
The Emperor
The Jabba the Hutt Dungeon
The Jabba the Hutt Dungeon - Gray Base Jabba The Hutt Dungeon
The Jabba the Hutt Dungeon - Tan Base Jabba the Hutt Dungeon
TIE Fighter
TIE Fighter (Battle Damaged)
TIE Interceptor
Tri-Pod Laser Cannon
Turret Probot Playset
Tusken Raider (Sand People)
Tusken Raider (Sand People) - Tusken Raider Standard
Tusken Raider (Sand People) - Hollow Cheek Tube Tusken Raider
Twin-Pod Cloud Car
Vehicle Maintenance Energizer
Walrus Man
Wicket W. Warrick
X-Wing Fighter
X-Wing Fighter - Kenner X-Wing Fighter
X-Wing Fighter - Palitoy X-Wing Fighter
X-Wing Fighter (Battle Damaged)
X-Wing Fighter (Battle Damaged) - Kenner Battle Damaged X-Wing Fighter
X-Wing Fighter (Battle Damaged) - Palitoy Battle Damaged X-Wing Fighter
Y-Wing Fighter
Yak Face
Yoda, The Jedi Master
Yoda, The Jedi Master - Orange Snake Yoda
Yoda, The Jedi Master - Brown Snake Yoda
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Loose Incomplete
Loose Complete
On Card Graded
Mail Away/Sealed Bag
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Price: Lowest to Highest
Price: Highest to Lowest
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Sales of Ree-Yees Type: Mail Away/Sealed Bag
This is a simplified list of sales meant to act as a general value gauge. There will only be a max of 15 sales listed, taking the 3 highest values, 3 from the 3rd tertile, 3 from the 2nd tertile, 3 from the 1st tertile, and the 3 lowest values. (A tertile is a group of data that contains one-third of a set of data.)
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