The Vintage Star Wars Action Figure
Checklist and Price Guide
Galactic Collector provides FREE tools for collectors, buyers, and sellers of the original Star Wars action figures and playsets to keep track of their collection. We also sell vintage Star Wars items, and a variety of custom 3D printed items such as: repair kits and vehicle wall mounting hangers.
Your own personal Star Wars checklist and FREE price guide!
Click here to check values or find pricing on your vintage Star Wars figures. We have value information for loose figures as well as carded and graded action figures.What is the value of a complete run of vintage Star Wars figures? Click here to see! We provide values based off eBay auctions from the last 12 months.
You probably checked off the names of the figures you had on cardbacks when you were a kid. Well, now you can do it online!
We have easy to use visual guides that will help you identify the action figures and the accessories that you have. What blaster goes to who? Is a figure missing something? Find out at a glance! You can peruse the figures and accessories without joining, using the menus above.
Do you want to know how much a figure is worth?
You can view estimated pricing information for each figure based on current actual sales - for loose complete, still on card, and AFA graded figures. When you start tracking your collection, you'll be able to see the estimated value of YOUR action figures! To view pricing, select a figure from our Star Wars Action Figure Visual Guide.When you join Galactic Collector, you can track:
- What figures you have.
- How many of each figure.
- What accessories you have.
- Price paid and purchase date.
- Track a "Wish List" of figures you are looking for (that you can share with others).
- And you can keep notes!
In addition, we offer advice to both buyers and sellers - tips on details to look out for, and how to get the best price.
So join today and start tracking YOUR Star Wars collection!

How can I find the value/price/cost of my loose vintage Star Wars action figure?
We provide values of all the original Star Wars figures, vehicles, and playsets in the 3.75" line. To get a quick idea of the value of a collection, try our Estimator tool. For more detailed valuation, use our Visual Guide to access the item you are looking for pricing on.
Where can I find a 2025 price guide for loose, carded, graded, or sealed in baggie vintage Star Wars action figures?
We provide everything you need to know for of all the original Star Wars figures, vehicles, and playsets in the 3.75" line. If you are a casual collector or seller, try our Estimator tool to get a quick idea of the value of a collection. For more detailed valuation, use our Visual Guide to access the item you are looking for pricing on.
Clicking any figure in the guide will give you pricing on figures that are loose, complete or incomplete, carded, graded, baggied, and more! We also provide information on what accessories belong with each figure. And on top of that, you will find variant information: we provide some variation breakdowns directly, be we also provide direct links to the figure or accessory you are looking at to other top variant sources like Variant Villain and the Imperial Gunnery!
Clicking any figure in the guide will give you pricing on figures that are loose, complete or incomplete, carded, graded, baggied, and more! We also provide information on what accessories belong with each figure. And on top of that, you will find variant information: we provide some variation breakdowns directly, be we also provide direct links to the figure or accessory you are looking at to other top variant sources like Variant Villain and the Imperial Gunnery!
Where can I find a list of all the original Star Wars action figures? Where can I find a list of all the accessories (weapons, helmets, clothes, etc)?
Our comprehensive database has you covered:
Use our Visual Guide to access a complete list of the figures.
Use our Accessory Visual Guide to access a complete list of the figure accessories.
Use our Visual Guide to access a complete list of the figures.
Use our Accessory Visual Guide to access a complete list of the figure accessories.
How can I find out what my collection is worth?
There are two ways you can price your collection:
1: Join Galactic Collector and enter in the figures you have. (It's free!) When you view the "My Collection" option in the Visual Guide, you will see the estimated value there.
2: If you don't want join, use our Estimator tool. Simply select the figures you have and enter a few parameters, and we'll give you an estimate based on recent online auction sales. No membership required. No cost.
1: Join Galactic Collector and enter in the figures you have. (It's free!) When you view the "My Collection" option in the Visual Guide, you will see the estimated value there.
2: If you don't want join, use our Estimator tool. Simply select the figures you have and enter a few parameters, and we'll give you an estimate based on recent online auction sales. No membership required. No cost.
How much does it cost to join?
Galactic Collector is FREE to join, and FREE to use! No limited free trials, just free.
How do you make any money?
We have a store on eBay (click here to visit!). We specialize in hard to find parts for anything vintage Star Wars. We also sell repair kits, and vehicle wall mounting kits. On top of that, we are eBay and Amazon affiliates. If you click on an eBay or Amazon link, and subsequently make a purchase on that site, we earn a small referal fee through them. And it doesn't cost you anything extra. So if you are enjoying Galactic Collector and the resources we provide, we appreciate your support when you use our affiliate links! Our main goal is to be the best, all-in-one collector's resource for vintage Star Wars action figures. If the site can generate enough money to be self-sustaining, we will not charge for membership, or inundate our users with annoying ads. Hopefully you find the links that we provide useful to building your own collection!
I have a question/problem/suggestion. How can I contact you?
The best way to contact us is to message us through our FaceBook page here.