Accessory Name: Leia Battle Poncho
Leia Battle Poncho
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Action Figures
The following Action Figures use the Leia Battle Poncho (click Action Figure for details):Variations
Many accessories have multiple variations, and MANY have new reproductions being made of them. Galactic Collector does not currently have an inventory of all the variations or reproductions, but we HIGHLY recommend the following resources. (The following buttons will open these external sites in a new tab/window.)Leia Battle Poncho Info:
The holes in the poncho are for Leia's belt, NOT her arms! If you find a poncho that hasn't been stored well (musty or dirty), you can clean the poncho in warm water and dish soap. For musty smells, Febreeze seems to work well, I drench it, let it set a minute, then rinse it in warm water. I have not run into issues with staining or color fade, but as always, use water, soap, or any other cleaning product at your own risk!