Bib Fortuna
Bib Fortuna

Collector's Notes for a vintage Star Wars Bib Fortuna Action Figure:

Bib is a fairly common figure, with a large number of accessories compared to most vintage Star Wars figures. Bib Fortuna’s accessories are interesting - he has a very ornate belt/chest piece. But it is totally covered by his cloak. Because of this, some people attach it over his cloak, but that doesn’t work very well either.

Bib is not a very expensive figure, even when complete. But there is a rare "burgundy coat" Bib Fortuna that is much more valuable. Produced by Lili Ledy (one of the manufacturing plants of the vintage line), one of these purplish coated Bib's can easily fetch a few hundred dollars - but because of this (like many of the rarer items), beware of reproductions!

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Current Bib Fortuna Action Figures for sale on eBay

Click an item below to view on eBay, or click the the "See More" button to see/refine our search criteria. We base our search keywords for this item very specifically to help minimize unwanted items - but listings are created by humans, and sometimes they add information that isn't quite right! This information is intended to help you get a sense of current pricing for this figure, or make a purchase if you find something you like! Galactic Collector makes no warranty of items you purchase through eBay.

We are an eBay affiliate and may earn a small commission on items you purchase when using these links.
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Current pricing on the Bib Fortuna Action Figure

How much is a vintage Star Wars Bib Fortuna Action Figure worth?
Currency is set to:

The below ranks are from high to low for loose complete figures. The highest priced figure would be ranked #1, etc.

The Bib Fortuna action figure is a lower value figure (last third). Rank: 80/101
This figure has a high number of sales (top third - many available). Rank: 22/101
This figure gets a low number of bids at auction (last third - less desirable). Rank: 70/101

Jump to Price Chart

A Loose Incomplete Bib Fortuna is worth on average $5.55 as of 5/07/2024. In poor condition, it is closer to $1.41, while excellent condtion examples are closer to $10.41. (click here see the sold listings)

A Loose Complete Bib Fortuna is worth on average $18.43 as of 5/07/2024. In poor condition, it is closer to $11.61, while excellent condtion examples are closer to $26.34. (click here see the sold listings)

A Carded Bib Fortuna is worth on average $78.20 as of 5/07/2024. In poor condition, it is closer to $49.59, while excellent condtion examples are closer to $117.82. (click here see the sold listings)

A Graded Bib Fortuna is worth on average $110.11 as of 5/07/2024. In poor condition, it is closer to $68.93, while excellent condtion examples are closer to $155.56. (click here see the sold listings)

A On Card Graded Bib Fortuna is worth on average $132.75 as of 5/07/2024. There are not a lot of these that go for sale. (click here see the sold listings)

A Mail Away/Sealed Bag Bib Fortuna is worth on average $58.00 as of 5/07/2024. There are not a lot of these that go for sale. (click here see the sold listings)

A Unicorn Bib Fortuna is worth on average $198.97 as of 5/07/2024. In poor condition, it is closer to $78.01, while excellent condtion examples are closer to $338.75. (click here see the sold listings)

These prices are based on sales data for the last 12 months. The chart below will also show you the lowest and highest values this Bib Fortuna sold for. Currency is set to:

Low PriceAvg PriceHigh PriceAvg # BidsTotal Sales
Loose Incomplete
(click here see the sold listings)
0.99 5.55 15.00 3 103
Loose Complete
(click here see the sold listings)
7.50 18.43 55.54 8 170
(click here see the sold listings)
32.00 78.20 202.50 16 26
(click here see the sold listings)
46.00 110.11 202.50 18 27
On Card Graded
(click here see the sold listings)
86.00 132.75 179.50 27 2
Mail Away/Sealed Bag
(click here see the sold listings)
58.00 58.00 58.00 14 1
(click here see the sold listings)
75.01 198.97 504.99 21 7

Last updated 5/07/2024
Unicorns are rare variations.
Pricing data is based on recently completed online auctions. The data is currated to ensure quality, so there were likely more actual auctions for this figure - we do our best to exclude: figures that are in rough shape, figures that have reproduction accessories, figures that have an incorrect accessory, auctions by sellers known to sell reproduction items, as well as other criteria.


Bib Fortuna has the following accessories (click item for details):


If you collect carded figures, the general trend is that the earlier the card, the more valuable the figure will be - though there are special cases where alternative cards such as foreign labels might fetch more money. The Bib Fortuna Action Figure is on the following cardbacks:
Bib Fortuna Staff 65 Figure Card Back
Bib Fortuna Staff 77 Figure Card Back
Bib Fortuna Staff 79 Figure Cardback
Bib Fortuna Staff 92 Figure Card Back


This section is broken down into two parts. First, we will describe what we call "Pricing Variations". These are differing characteristics in the figure that have a large impact on price. Secondly, we will look at more distinctive variations that may be of interest to collectors, including links to other variation resources links to other variation resources.

We curently classify all Bib Fortuna figures in just one Pricing Variation.

We break Bib Fortuna down into 7 major variants. Some of these variations may have some minor subsets due to some very minor mold differences impacting the COO/Copyright lettering - but these differences are negligible in our opinion for two reasons: 1, there are no other physical differences than the lettering, and 2, it really has no impact on price. If you are a die-hard variation collector, you can check out some of the other variant resource links we provide below for those details.

With some figures (like Boba Fett) the Taiwan COO is highly sought after. Not so with Bib as it is by far the most common variation you will find. The rare Bib Fortuna action figures are the Lili Ledy (Var 4 and 5) and the smooth scar No COO (Var 7).

The Lili Ledy variants are highly sought after due to their robe colors being different than the standard Kenner fare. Especially the dark burgandy. As such - be very wary of fakes and repros. There is legend of a red robe Bib. This appears to have been strictly a figure used for some of the card photography and was never sold to the public.

The smooth scar No COO (Var 7) is very rare - we found NO examples in the roughly 100 figures we had imagery available for for this article. But several other reliable sources have it listed with good photos, even with minor variations in the Copyright line, so it appears to be more than just urban legend. It can be differentiated from the Var 2 No COO by the spacing and shape of the letters, and the 1 in 1983 typically has a double stamp impression slightly lower and to the left, making it look either like a leading comma, or an elongated 1. If you have images of one you'd like to share, please contact us!

The only other point of interest on Bib is the pinkness of his lips and eyes. Keep in mind that the intensity can vary a bit even within a given variation, but generally hold the trend indicated below. Var 3 has a special high intensity application which is importan

We have found the following variations for the Bib Fortuna action figure.

Click any image to zoom.

Scroll ->
Feature Var 1 Var 2 Var 3 Var 4 Var 5 Var 6 Var 7
COO/Copyright Var 1<br>-Made in Hong Kong (left leg)<br>-Copy on right leg
Var 1
-Made in Hong Kong (left leg)
-Copy on right leg
Var 2<br>-No COO<br>-COO filled in/raised<br>-May see some lettering/dots<br>-Copy on right leg
Var 2
-COO filled in/raised
-May see some lettering/dots
-Copy on right leg
Var 3<br>-Hong Kong (right leg)<br>-Copy on left leg
Var 3
-Hong Kong (right leg)
-Copy on left leg
Var 4<br>-Hong Kong (right leg)<br>-Copy on left leg
Var 4
-Hong Kong (right leg)
-Copy on left leg
Var 5<br>-Hong Kong (right leg)<br>-Copy on left leg
Var 5
-Hong Kong (right leg)
-Copy on left leg
Var 6<br>-Made in Taiwan (left leg)<br>-Copy on right leg
Var 6
-Made in Taiwan (left leg)
-Copy on right leg
Var 7
Smoothly removed COO
-Copy on right leg
-Wider type on copy than V2
-Hard to find pics!
Face Var 1<br>-Various shades of pink, tending to paler
Var 1
-Various shades of pink, tending to paler
Var 2<br>-Pale Pink
Var 2
-Pale Pink
Var 3<br>-Intense Pink
Var 3
-Intense Pink
Var 4<br>-Pale Pink
Var 4
-Pale Pink
Var 5<br>-Pale Pink
Var 5
-Pale Pink
Var 6<br>-Pale Pink
Var 6
-Pale Pink
Robe Var 1
Var 1
Var 2
Var 2
Var 3
Var 3
Var 4<br>-Greenish Gray
Var 4
-Greenish Gray
Var 5<br>-Dark Burgundy
Var 5
-Dark Burgundy
Var 6
Var 6
Checking the features above should have identified your variant. The following are other identifiers or info on the variations.
Staff -No Indent<br>-1 Outer Ring<br>-EPM at top of spiral
-No Indent
-1 Outer Ring
-EPM at top of spiral
-No Indent<br>-1 Outer Ring<br>-EPM at top of spiral
-No Indent
-1 Outer Ring
-EPM at top of spiral
-Small Circular Indent<br>-3 Outer Rings
-Small Circular Indent
-3 Outer Rings
-Larger Circular Indent<br>-2 Outer Rings<br>-Darker Gray<br>-EPM on right branch after spiral
-Larger Circular Indent
-2 Outer Rings
-Darker Gray
-EPM on right branch after spiral
-Larger Circular Indent<br>-2 Outer Rings<br>-Darker Gray<br>-EPM on right branch after spiral
-Larger Circular Indent
-2 Outer Rings
-Darker Gray
-EPM on right branch after spiral
-Larger Circular Indent<br>-2 Outer Rings<br>-No EPM
-Larger Circular Indent
-2 Outer Rings
Manufacturer Smile Smile Kader Lili Ledy Lili Ledy Taiwan
Front Var 1
Var 1
Var 2
Var 2
Var 3
Var 3
Var 4
Var 4
Var 5
Var 5
Var 6
Var 6
Back Var 1
Var 1
Var 2
Var 2
Var 3
Var 3
Var 4
Var 4
Var 5
Var 5
Var 6
Var 6

We have put a lot of time in to compile this data. If you feel we have any bad information, we want to know! Contact us through our FB page here.

One thing ALL collectors can agree on is that there is more than one way to define a "variation". You may disagree with our variation assessment, so we provide the following resources which we find very valuable. They don't all agree with us, nor necessarily with each other, but each one is worth a look. (The following buttons will open these external sites in a new tab/window.)

Advice for selling a vintage Bib Fortuna Action Figure: (see next section for general selling advice.)

No specific advice for selling a Bib Fortuna figure. See General Sellers Advice section below.

General advice for selling vintage Star Wars collectibles:

The following suggestions are intended to help you get the best price possible for the figure you are trying to sell, whether you are selling on eBay, Mercari, or any other online platform.

Best Platforms for Selling Vintage Star Wars Action Figures

Every platform has its advantages. If you have a solid brand built in a particular platform - you should definitely sell there. In general, our top pick is eBay. Yes, we are an eBay affiliate, but eBay is a solid, reputable platform that has been around as long as e-commerce. People trust it, and it has solid protections for sellers and buyers. Other platforms like FaceBook Market Place, Mercari, Etsy, and even Poshmark are all solid platforms, but most sellers do not rely on any one of them singly. Often, if you find a listing on one of these platforms, it is likely cross-listed on eBay. So if you are looking to post on a single online platform, eBay is our top recommendation. For local sales, FaceBook Market Place and Craigslist are your best bets. Facebook will probably get you a larger audience, but Craigslist still attracts a large group of people that shy away from social media.

Tips For Listing Vintage Star Wars Action Figures Online

  • Take clear, close-up photos of the figure, including the following:
    • Full body from the front, back, sides AND top.
    • Close ups of the accessory/weapon, by itself, from both sides.
  • Take photos of any damaged areas, including scratches, rubbed off paint, or discoloration.
  • Take photos of the figure standing without help of a stand if you can to demonstrate the tightness of the legs.
  • Take photos of the figure with arms extended to demonstrate the tightness of the arms.
  • Any the above photo suggestions can of course be combined to minimize the number of photos you need to take/upload. Consider an action pose of the figure from an angle, with weapon in hand, and the head pointed at the camera. This demonstrates a number of traits while at the same time making a cool main photo.
  • If the arms and/or legs are loose, disclose that in the listing.
  • If there is any damage or discoloration, disclose that in the listing.
  • DO NOT buy reproduction weapons to sell with a figure to make them "look complete". Collectors do NOT want reproduction items and your reputation can be ruined for selling them. Do your best to verify the weapon with resources like The Imperial Gunnery. If you can't verify it, mention that in the listing. The more effort you put into knowing the product, the more trust you will earn from the buyers!
  • DO NOT post a figure with a vintage accessory that does not go with it and claim that's it's "100% original". Even if the accessory is an original, if it doesn't go to the figure - no one wants to buy it that way. You are better off listing the accessory separately.
  • Avoid using the phrase "No Repro" in the listing to try to indicate that it's all original. Many serious collectors have advanced searches that they use, and frequently block "repro" in the search. So, even though you have a "no" in there, you may be losing some of your audience. Instead, use phrases like "100% original" or "complete and all original vintage accessories".
  • Do NOT post fuzzy or out of focus pictures. Buyers will likely think that you either don't know what you are doing, or that you are trying to hide something about the figure.
  • You do not need fancy cameras to take good pictures for your posting. An older cell phone can often take perfect photos. If you are having trouble getting a clear shot, consider getting or making a simple mount for your phone. This will hold it steady for you while you make sure it gets in focus.

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